Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Block of the Month House Quilt is finished!!!

 It is finally finished and I could not be more pleased.  
If you click on the picture it will become larger. 
 I added the sunflowers on the September block.  
Every door has a button for the door knob.

 The yoyo flowers are in the Basket for the May Block.
 The quilting Pattern that my friend used looks like clouds in the sky.

 On a few blocks I had to add beads along the vines on top of the windows. 
On the majority of the blocks the pattern called for embroidery flowers on the vines.  
Pretty blue beads for the July block.
Red beads for the February block.  
Now to figure out where I am going to put it.  
Maybe hang it on a wall in one of the spare bedrooms.  
Thanks for stopping by...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful... I am wanting to make a similar quilt . I have just come back from Ireland and purchased a bundle of fat quarters from a shop in Dublin. They are floral and not my favorite colors but the only fabric store I could find. I want to make a house from each one and use a solid from the most prominent color in each fat quarter for the door. I did not really think about making it using seasons and not sure I want to also want to use shades of green . Just playing with all ideas , can you think of any? I sure would appreciate any...
