Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tree at the Galleria

The tree at the Galleria is in the middle of the ice rink.  It stands 4 stories tall and every two hours they do a light show to music.  The tree flashes with red lights, white lights and green and gold lights.  It is a gorgeous tree.  I caught the boys and Pat watching the skaters below.  The boys loved it when someone fell down!!!
Today Pat is working at the Model Home and I have the boys.  We did some laundry at their house and then I made them vacuum their rooms.  The dish washer needed emptied and their bathroom cleaned.  Surprising how well they work with a little supervision.  I think they know Santa is watching.  Are you being good?  Only one more day and he will be here.  Thanks for stopping by. 

1 comment:

  1. The Galleria is beautiful. Merry Christmas to you and all of your family. Love You!
